Royston GA Apartments
Waiting List Request

Who Should Complete This Waiting List Request?

Royston GA Equal Housing Opportunity

The purpose of filling out this form is to express your interest in renting, immediately or up to two years in the future, an apartment located at 135 Carlton Street, Royston, GA 30662. We ask the same pre-qualifying questions to all prospective tenants to help identify qualified renters prior to the formal $50 application process.

From a legal perspective we abide by the Fair Housing Act and treat all applicants (regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or the presence of children) the same and do not discriminate. All interested tenants should complete the waiting list request form.

Although we only require one occupant to fill out the waiting list request. We do require that all prospective tenants or persons paying any part of the rent to pay a $50 application fee and complete a separate rental application which authorizes a credit and background check. If you can not accept these terms please do not fill out the following waiting list request.

Waiting List Request

  • Tenant Pre-Screening Questions

    There are standard questions that we ask everyone which will help us to better understand your needs and streamline the formal application process.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 8.
    * Example = $550 Deposit + $550 fist month rent = $1,100 total.